Anthropolis Association Collection

Anthropolis Association Collection

Founded in 2002 by cultural anthropologists, the Association aims to combat global inequalities and injustices and to embrace a critical global civic attitude. The attitude-forming activity of the Association is aimed at making the global dimension widely present in Hungarian education, thus helping those participating in education.

Launched in 2006, the Anthropolis Association’s GlobEdu education program aims to raise awareness of everyday phenomena in an increasingly globalized world. It enables participants in the program to acquire an approach that helps them understand the mechanism of operation of phenomena and global contexts, interactions, and make responsible decisions for sustainability.

The program addresses the challenges of human rights, environmental awareness, active citizenship, peace education, and intercultural preparation for students, teachers, and trainers. Within the framework of domestic and international trainings and the operation of the first Global Education Knowledge Center in Hungary, it promotes the broadening of the perspective of school and out-of-school education in Hungary, the renewal of its methods, the spread and popularization of international practice and experience in global education.

The Association operates the Global Education Knowledge Center in the ELTE-PPK Library. The special library provides background material on international development, climate change, poverty, migration, human rights, sustainability and globalization as a complex, multidimensional process, and makes educational aids available to teachers and students who give classes and lectures on various topics. The Knowledge Center also provides space for discussions and debates on global topics.

This special collection of the Global Education Knowledge Center, created through the cooperation of the Anthropolis Association and our Faculty, provides an in-depth opportunity for professionals, teachers and all curious readers who are receptive to the global problems of the 21st century. By establishing the Knowledge Center, the Library seeks to contribute to the support of intercultural education at the Faculty, recognizing its timeliness in today’s changing world.

The GlobEdu collection can be found in the reading room of the Kazinczy Street Library of ELTE PPK, the documents of the collection can be found in the library's catalog.