Bernadette Kun among the members of Young Academy of Europe

Bernadette Kun among the members of Young Academy of Europe
Bernadette Kun, habil. associate professor at the Institute of Psychology of ELTE PPK and member of the board of directors of the Hungarian Academy of Young Researchers, has been elected as a member of Young Academy of Europe, an international organisation of outstanding young researchers.

Founded in 2012, Young Academy of Europe (YAE) is officially an affiliate of Academia Europaea, which is an organisation of internationally recognised and scientifically active young European researchers. Its main objectives are to foster communication and networking among young researchers, with a special focus on talent management and the promotion of science. In addition to excellence in research, membership requires independent team leadership, an interest in science policy, and a PhD degree that was obtained within 12 years prior to the submission of the application.

On the basis of her application, Bernadette Kun was chosen as a member by the Selection Committee and the Board of YAE. The main research interests of the PPK lecturer are substance use related and other behavioural addictions, and their psychological mechanisms; her special area of expertise is the psychology of work addiction (read here for a detailed introduction). Her appointment in the organisation is for seven years.

Young Academy of Europe has several Hungarian members and is chaired by ELTE associate professor Katalin Solymosi.