equal opportunities

Types of support. Who can provide assistance to students with disabilities?

Support and benefits can be given exclusively in relation with special needs. Students with special needs in case of issues related to learning and study environment can be helped by the disability coordinator of the faculty. The disability coordinator make the registration, she is responsible for the assessment of individual needs, the consultation with students, the preparation of related certificates and the organization of any personal support claim. Students can request devices also from the coordinator.

The coordinator cooperates with other actors of the organized assistance and is able to harmonise the different forms of support, to maintain contact with the International Office of PPK and the colleagues of the Disability Centre. If necessary, the coordinator is responsible for conciliate with teaching arrangement organisers, student affairs’ and registrar’s office and the academic staff.

Students with special needs can receive benefits during the course registration period. To receive these benefits students need to make a declaration (part of the registration form).

Other types of support in cooperation with the faculty coordinator:
- examination form equivalent to the special need (e.g. instead of oral exam written exam, instead of written exam oral exam etc. is provided), special exam or providing extra time during the exam,
- renting devices for special needs (e.g. digital recorder, notebook, USB stick, magnifying device, amplifier, radio hearing system), or providing their use during the courses.
- The students receive a certificate of their special support based on their individual consultation during the registration. For validating the right to use them, the student must present this certificate to the examiner four days before the exam.

In the libraries of the faculty in Kazinczy and Izabella street it is possible to use photocopier for free and obstacle-free computer stations, scanner, reading devices, digital materials and the library of Kazinczy street provides a 3D printer too.

The University Disability Centre provides special support and services related to disabilities. Their responsibility is for example pathway teaching for students with visual impairment and support in public transport for students with physical disability. The IT manager of the Centre provides help to use the Neptun System, teach accessible ICT techniques. Students with print information impairment can request material adaptation, learning book digitalization, creation of 3D print version of graphs and maps. They organize hiring and training of personal non-medical assistants, volunteer students and note-takers.

As far as possible the Centre provides obstacle-free access in sport programs and advices on sport opportunities.
The student can claim for support through the coordinator or from the staff of the Centre directly but in any case it is advisable to inform the faculty coordinator.

University Disability Centre

Address: 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4. Building A basement 125
Head of Centre: Krisztina Kovács, kovacs.krisztina@kancellaria.elte.hu, 483-8000/2256
More information: https://www.elte.hu/en/content/students-with-disability-at-elte.t.400?m=153

In relation with student life we recommend to contact the Equal Opportunity Commissioner of the Student’s Union (HÖK) of the faculty PPK equal.opp@ppk.elte.hu, or the mentor network.

In case of difficulties and problems of life management skills, emotions and integration or in crisis situations the Life Management Skills Commissioner of the faculty PPK may provide individual consultation for all university students. It is not necessary to be registered to use this service.

ELTE PPK Life Management Skills Commissioner, http://ppk.elte.hu/en/students/services/lifecoaching
1071 Budapest, Damjanich str. 41-43. C/114, e-mail:
