Expanding university partnerships in Southeast Asia

Expanding university partnerships in Southeast Asia
Eötvös Loránd University entered into cooperation with the universities of Chiang Mai in Thailand and Sultan Idris in Malaysia. The new partnerships were created as a result of the networking activities of the ELTE PPK Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Pedagogy.

The Intercultural Psychology and Pedagogy Institute (IPPI) has signed cooperation agreements with Chiang Mai University (CMU) in Thailand and Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) in Malaysia based on the previous and currently running Erasmus+ international credit mobilities. The resulting agreements at the rector's level declare the possibility of mutual cooperation between the two universities and ELTE, they can provide the students and teachers of the universities with a contact, research and educational background.

IPPI lecturers work as guest teachers in both institutions, and host lecturers from the two universities. Currently, master's and doctoral students have been granted mobility opportunities to the Malaysian university within the framework of the above-mentioned Erasmus+ program.

The Institute pays particular attention to the region, and has an extensive academic network in many Southeast Asian countries. The network also includes Hue University in Vietnam, Seoul University in South Korea, and Osaka University in Japan. IPPI lecturers responsible for the partnerships are: Nguyen Luu Lan Anh (Vietnam), Erzsébet Csereklye (South Korea) and Orsolya Endrődy (Thailand, Malaysia and Japan).

In the case of the Thai institution, the parties concluded the bilateral contracts on October 10, and the agreement between UPSI and ELTE is expected to be signed in a ceremony in Budapest in February 2024.