Grades recorded in the Neptun, Form of Complaint 2019/20/1

Dear Students,

The exam period of the autumn semester 2019/2020 ended on the 1st February 2020. Please be informed that as the grades are recorded only in the electronic registry system (Neptun) and nowhere else, it is really important to check if they are properly entered. This controlling must be done by the student. In case of non-entered grades if the student missed any relevant requirement identified in the regulations (eg. exam-registration), or doesn’t take the opportunity for submitting a complaint provided in it, the grade becomes invalid.
According to the section 65 (6) of the Academic Regulations for Students, students can complain concerning grades. In the autumn semester of the academic year 2019/2020 this possibility is available

from 1st February 2020, 16:00 until 8th February 2020, 17:00.

If the grade recorded in Neptun and the grade achieved with an exam do not match, or an exam’s grade does not appear on Neptun, please fill in and submit a request for complaint concerning grades available on the online interface for students, so that the issue can be investigated. In the Exams/Taken exams menu, you have to select the exam in question, and click on the “+” symbol at the end of the line, and select the “Submit request” option and submit the request “Form of Complaint Concerning Grades”.

Please also be informed that according to Section 425 (e) of the Academic Regulations for Students, validating any performance completed against the rules cannot be recorded even as an equity from the Dean, so failing to complete the above mentioned process can cause serious consequences.

Student Affairs and Registrar's Office, Faculty of Education and Psychology, ELTE
