Green Wild Collection

Green Wild Collection

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty, Dr. László Trencsényi donated his collection entitled “Green Wild” to the PPK Library of ELTE. As a committed believer in education, the donator believes that the best place for this collection will be in the PPK Library, where researchers, educators and students interested in educational science will have free access.

The Kazinczy Street Library is home to the series of events called “Green Wild”, which is another initiation of László Trencsényi professor of the faculty, who is also the executive president of the Hungarian Pedagogical Society. As part of these events, a new pedagogical book is presented in the library in every 2-3 months, surrounded by the interest of a wide professional audience interested in the topic.

Books and documents of the Zöld Vadon Collection can be found in the online catalogue  and can be borrowed or be used locally in the reading room of the Kazinczy Street Library in the ELTE PPK.