Growing old in an adopted land: Cross-fertilizing ageing and acculturation research

Growing old in an adopted land: Cross-fertilizing ageing and acculturation research
09/09 - 10/02

09. September 2024. 16:00

ELTE PPK Room 311. (1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 23-27.)

09/09 - 02/10

2024. September 09. 16:00 - 2025. February 10.

ELTE PPK Room 311. (1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 23-27.)

Growing old in an adopted land’ is a 5-year research program centred on three inter- connected themes.

Theme 1

Redefining ageing well in the context of migration’ explores the meanings migrants associate with ageing well and the sociocultural factors that enable or hinder migrants to live according to valued goals.

Theme 2

The challenges of transnational ageing’ focuses on issues related to transnational belonging, loss, and the meaning of place, particularly ageing in place, when home means two different countries.

Theme 3

Growing old together’ seeks to understand how culturally mixed couples navigate ageing and the extent to which intercultural marriages create unique pathways to ageing well and socio-cultural integration across the lifespan. I will present findings from a series of focus groups, life course history interviews and surveys conducted with adult migrants living in New Zealand about their experiences of ageing as a migrant in a foreign country.