How to Teach Law in Teacher Training

Both scholars and educators agree on the importance of law education for future teachers. However, the predominant majority of methodological literature deals only with the K12 level. Law is complex, it has its own challenging terminology. The novelty of this chapter lies in offering methods for the implementation of these elements and presenting an example of how it is possible to ensure the basic legal and ethics preparedness of students in a teacher training programme. Our institute (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Education), which is responsible for the pedagogical content of teacher training, recognised the lack of these elements in teacher training curricula. To this end we designed a course on legal and ethics knowledge. This course did not have antecedents, thus the author of this chapter, as the responsible professor, had the freedom to compose the methodology and content. The title of the course is “The Legal and Ethics Framework of the Teaching Profession.” This chapter presents the challenges during the first two semesters, the experiences of which involved modifications, and the students’ opinions about the course. Furthermore, the chapter offers best practices and tools for teacher educators in other countries.
The full chapter is available here.