Pre-defence of Anikó Mátyás
21. January 2025. 15:30 - 17:30
online, Teams
2025. January 21. 15:30 - 17:30
online, Teams
We cordially invite you to the pre-defense of ”Significance of Language Exams as Sources of Motivation in Light of Face Validity: Test-takers’ and Learners’ Voice for Better Language Exams and Improved Language Teaching” written by Anikó Mátyás.
During the pre-defense the PhD Candidate will present the draft dissertation.
Dr. Gergely Dávid, habil. associate professor, ELTE BTK
Prof. Dr. Krisztina Károly, professor, ELTE BTK
Dr. Katalin Brózik-Piniel, assistant professor, ELTE BTK
Dr. Magdolna Kimmel, lecturer, ELTE BTK
Dr. Rita Divéki, assistant professor, ELTE BTK
Date and time of pre-defense:
21 th January, 2025, 15.30-17.30
online, MS Teams. Please click here to join.
Please request a copy of the dissertation at: by 15th January, 2025
We are looking forward to seeing you!