Völgyesi Legacy

Völgyesi Legacy

Library with hundreds of volumes, file system and other objects were purchased from the Legacy of Ferenc Völgyesi, famous hypnotist and doctor by the Hungarian Hypnosis Foundation from his widow, before she moved abroad.

The foundation has undertaken to place the Völgyesi Legacy in an environment appropriate to its value and to make it available to the relevant professionals, researchers and university students for the purpose of scientific research.

With the cooperation of the Institute of Psychology of Eötvös Loránd University, the Department of Experimental Psychology of Eötvös Loránd University and the Hungarian Hypnosis Foundation, a suitable place has been established at the centre of the Hungarian Hypnosis Association, and since 2002 the book catalog of the cataloged legacy has been available at the Department of Affective Psychology.

The collection is located at the Department of Affective Psychology of ELTE PPK (formerly the Institute Center of Affective Psychology - APIK).