Zsolt Demetrovics among the world's most cited scientists again this year

The creators of the list, which is updated annually, examined the top 1 percent of scientific articles published in the last ten years with a maximum of 30 authors that brought the most citations. The Web of Science database covering 21 scientific fields was used for the analysis.
In the scientific world, citations, i.e. references to publications, are the measure of scientific impact. Clarivate ranked the authors who had the greatest impact on the scientific community based on the number of references to their publications.
Among the influential researchers is psychologist Zsolt Demetrovics, university professor at ELTE PPK, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, head of the Center of Excellence in Responsible Gaming at the University of Gibraltar, who was included in the Highly Cited Researchers list for the second time this year. The PPK lecturer is listed in the psychiatry-psychology category.
Another Hungarian researcher included in the summary is Péter Ferdinándy, vice-rector for science and innovation at Semmelweis University, the so-called is included in the cross-field category.
About one thousandth of scientists, a total of 7,125 people from all over the world, are on the list of elite researchers.