Zsolt Demetrovics elected member of the EUDA Scientific Committee

Zsolt Demetrovics, professor and former dean of ELTE’s Faculty of Education and Psychology, has been elected member of the Scientific Committee of EUDA (European Union Drugs Agency).
EDUA was established in July 2024 as the successor to the 30-year-old EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction). This is the first time that the EUDA Scientific Committee has a Hungarian member.
EUDA’s mission focuses on assisting the EU in terms of drug preparedness through four main actions: prediction, warning, response, and learning. The task of the Scientific Committee is to assist the Management Board and the Director of the EUDA by delivering an opinion on any scientific matter concerning the Centre’s activity. In addition, the risk assessment of new psychoactive substances is carried out by the Scientific Committee.