Professors emeriti

Professors emeriti

István Bábosik

Institute of Education

Éva Bányai

Institute of Psychology

György Bárdos  Institute of Health Promotion and Sport sciences
Ilona Barkóczi  †

Institute of Psychology

Ágnes Boreczky Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Education
István Czigler  Institute of Psychology
Erzsébet Cs. Czachesz

Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Education

Klára Faragó

Institute of Psychology

Katalin Fehér Institute of Research on Adult Education and Knowledge Management
László Gál  Institute of Sport -Szombathely
Mihály Gáspár Institute of Education and Psychology – Szombathely
György Hunyady Institute of Psychology
Magdolna Kalmár

Institute of Psychology

Zsuzsanna Kulcsár Institute of Psychology
Zsuzsanna  Mátrai  Institute of Research on Adult Education and Knowledge Management
Mária Mayerné Nádasi  Institute of Education
László Mérő  Institute of Psychology
Márk Molnár  Institute of Psychology
Attila Oláh  Institute of Psychology
Éva Szabolcs 

Institute of Education

József Szarka  †

Institute of Education

András Vargha 

Institute of Psychology
András Németh Institute of Education
Gábor Halász Institute of Education