Kinga Káplár-Kodácsy and Helga Dorner’s study on university teachers’ self-inquiry was chosen as the best scientific article of the year by the Hungarian Educational Research Association (HERA).
Each year, the Hungarian Educational Research Association (HERA) – an organisation of Hungarian-speaking educational researchers – hands out awards for the best works in the field of educational research. In 2024, the first place was awarded to assistant professor Kinga Káplár-Kodácsy and habil. associate professor Helga Dorner, teachers and researchers at the Institute of Research on Adult Education and Knowledge Management of ELTE PPK, for their article entitled “Creating reflective space for teachers in higher education: the use of story completion”.
The research that the study was based on examined how higher education teachers perceive their own teaching and how they connect their teaching-related beliefs and experience to certain critical events. The article builds on the teachers’ self-inquiry using the story completion research method. The analytical framework was Shulman’s concept of signature pedagogies, which was used in the thematic analysis of 62 completed stories and 14 interviews. Results show diversity and complexity in terms of the teachers’ experiences in different disciplines; concepts and approaches may be bridged through story-mediated reflective conversations, which provided opportunities for a deeper understanding of these stories. Narratives based on story completion contributed to the teachers’ pedagogical awareness and encouraged development on the basis of self-inquiry.
The prize for the winners is that they can participate at the ECER, an international conference organised each year by the European Educational Research Association, in 2025.
Please visit this webpage for more information about HERA and the other awardees.