Quality management committee

The Quality Management Committee is the body responsible for all matters related to quality management. It is chaired by the Head of Faculty Quality Management, elected by the Faculty Council on the recommendation of the Dean. The Dean appoints one member from the directors of the Faculty’s institutes, one member from the non-academic Faculty staff, after consultation with the relevant Heads of Office. One further member is appointed by Head of the Faculty Library, and one member each by the Student and Doctoral Student Unions. Members of the Dean’s administration with an autonomous portfolio (Vice Deans, Dean’s Commissioners) are also members of the committee.

Head of Faculty Quality Management: elected by the Faculty Council on the recommendation of the Dean, who is responsible for coordinating the work of the relevant management and the Quality Management Committee, and for organising the implementation of quality policy objectives in consultation with the Dean.

Quality Management Committee: annually sets precise quality objectives, examines the realisation thereof, revises the quality concept if necessary. Through its members, it engages the staff of individual institutes, departments, and other relevant organisational units.


  • coordinating the operation of the three pillars of the quality management system,
  • establishing and reviewing the general framework and principles of the quality management system,
  • setting short- (for the following year) and medium-term (five-year) quality objectives, monitoring and evaluating their attainment,
  • creating and supporting working groups dedicated to achive objectives,
  • developing the faculty quality policy,
  • monitoring the functioning of the faculty quality management system, if necessary, formulating proposed measures for the Dean or the Faculty Council,
  • proceeding in all miscellaneous matters that are assigned by faculty or university regulations to the body responsible for faculty quality management.