Submission of the Credit Application Form 2021/2022/1

Based on Section 12 (1)-(2) of the Educational Operational Regulations of the Doctoral School of Education and 6.1-6.2. points of the operational regulations of the Doctoral School of Psychology, at the beginning of every semester, the student shall, after consulting with their topic supervisor, appropriate to their learning and research plan, complete the credit application form with their planned research and teaching activities. The form shall be submitted to the Registrar’s Office with the approval or signature of the topic supervisor and the head of programme no later than the last day of the course registration period.
In case the student would not like to complete research or teaching credits during the semester, the empty credit application has to be handed in with the approvals of the supervisor(s) and program leader.
The student has to submit the credit application form in Neptun (preferably as a pdf file) clicking on Administration / Requests, and then choosing the PPK PHD Credit Application Form 2021/22/1 named form. At the beginning of the current semester, the credit application form has to be submitted until
the 30th of September 2021.Submitting the credit application form at the beginnings of each semester is obligatory. If you are an Active student in the semester but don’t submit the credit application form before the deadline, or the submission is incomplete and sent without the obligatory approvals, you have to pay a 3500 HUF late fee for missing an administrative deadline.
In case your supervisor(s) and/or program leader cannot sign the credit application form, their approval can be sent as another document, for example as an email, which you can also submit in Neptun.
ATTENTION! The credit application form submitted at the beginning of the semester does not certify completion of activities. To certify said activities, the student has to submit the credit application form at the end of the semester.
In case the research and teaching activities and their credit values are not on the credit application form at the beginning of the semester, whether the approved credit application form is filled or empty, or in case the credit value (or the amount of work put into an activity) has changed, the new activity and the new credit value may be added to the credit application form before submitting it at the end of the semester with the approval of the program leader and the head of the Doctoral School.
Student Affairs and Registrar’s Office