The diploma ceremony of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology for those students who finished their studies in the fall semester of the academic year 2023/2024 will be held on Friday the 8th of March 2024 begining at 11:00 a.m.
ELTE Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Ground Floor Hall (Budapest VII., Kazinczy street 23-27)
10.10 – 10.40 Registration for students receiving the diploma, Ground Floor Room 4
10.45 All participants take their seats, Hall
11.00 - approx. 12.30 Diploma ceremony
- Only those students who have previously registered for the event can participate at the diploma ceremony and receive their diploma in a ceremonial setting.
- If you have registered for the ceremony, but still cannot come, please let us know latest by the 1st of March 2024 by writing us at the e-mail address (indicating your name, Neptun code, major).
- Those who, despite their registration, cannot come to the ceremony, can only collect their diplomas individually at the Registrar’s Office during service hours, the earliest on the first customer reception day after the diploma ceremony.
- It is not possible to receive the diploma by authorising someone at the ceremony, only in person reception is possible.
- The ceremony is preceeded by an identity check of the registered students. Please bring an ID/passport which is suitable for personal identification.
- It is advised to appear in appropriate clothing for the occasion.
- You are asked to please take your seats a quarter of an hour before the ceremony starts.
- There is an exact seating order for students who receive their diploma, which is the same as the order in which they receive the diploma from the presidency upon hearing their name, therefore the seating order cannot be changed or exchanged between students.
- The duration of the ceremony is approximately one and a half hours.
- Event photos are taken on site, but the Faculty does not provide individual photography services.
- In view of the limited space, we ask that the diploma recipients are not accompanied by more than two persons, as we cannot provide seats above the capacity of the hall.
- Hungarian and international students will receive their diplomas at the same time, so the event is moderated in two languages.
Budapest, 24th of February 2024
ELTE Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
Registrar’s Office
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