Important information and deadlines regarding the exam period of the semester 2023/24/1

Dear Student,
We would like to inform you about the most important information and deadlines regarding the exam period of 2023/24/1. The information below doesn’t include all the regulations that apply, you can read those in the respective sections of the Academic Regulation for Students of ELTE (hereinafter: ARS), these sections are also referred to below.
The exam period lasts between 18 December 2023 (Monday) and 3 February 2024 (Saturday).
Information regarding exams
Students who registered for the relevant course can register for the exam. Students can register no more than three times for the exam of the same course (not including postponed examinations) in the same exam period. [ARS Section 71 (1), (2)]
Postponed examination [ARS Section 4: 116., Section 71 (5), (6), Section 410 (4)]: if the student cancels his/her exam registration before the given deadline, or he/she stays away from the exam for a justifiable reason. The student can deregister from a previously taken exam and/or register for an other exam date of the same course if it has the neccessary capacity no later than 24 hours before the exam starts. It is not compulsory to provide additional exam dates to those students who have postponed, however, in the case of postponing an exam with a justifiable reason submitted until the end of the penultimate week of the exam period, the student must be provided that opportunity. If a student does not show up at an exam, in case of a verified absence the verification has to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. The verification has to be submitted until the fifth working day after the last day of the exam period. Applications cannot be filed after the given deadline.
Unsuccessful exam [ARS Section 4: 16., Section 71 (7)]: if the student fails to appear at the exam without a justifiable reason or he/she fails to postpone the exam before the given deadline, the exam is considered unsuccessful. The student gets no grade for such an exam, but the exam is included in the number of exam registrations for the semester. It is not included in the 6 possible attempts to achieve a grade though. If the student fails to appear at the exam without a justifiable reason he/she has to pay a 3500 HUF fee. The course is considered dropped in case the student doesn’t register for the exam of the course or only has unsuccessful exams.
Dropping a course [ARS Section 4: 50., Section 66 (1), Section 71 (7)]: if the student has not attempted to complete a course despite having registered for it. In case of a seminar or a practice, the student did not participate in the classes or their performance could not be evaluated for other reasons. In case of an examination, the student did not attempt to pass the examination, except if it was caused by failure to fulfill the prerequisite of the course. A dropped course counts towards said course’s limited, three course registration possibilities [ARS Section 52 (1) a)].
Failed exam [ARS Section 4: 74., Section 52 (1) b)]: if the student tries to pass the exam but cannot meet its requirements, the exam is considered a failed exam. All failed exams count towards the overall six possible attempts to achieve a grade for the course.
Remedial exam, retake exam [ARS Section 4: 32/A., 112., Section 67 (2), Section 73]:
Remedial exam: the student can retake an examination in order improve a passed exam within the same exam period. The student can improve the grade of two exams per semester / programme by retaking the exams. Retaking the exam renders the result of the previous one null and void. Retake examination: the student can retake an examination in order to attempt to pass a previously failed exam in the same exam period. Remedial exams may be taken on any other announced exam date but it is not obligatory to announce a separate exam date for them. Retake exams can only be taken on an exam date specifically announced for the retake exam, usually on the last week of the exam period. In case the student tries to take an exam on the last week of the exam period for the first time, the institute is not obliged to announce an additional exam date. Both remedial exams and retake exams can only be taken in the same exam period of the original exam.
Invalid exam, invalid completion [ARS Section 4: 18, Section 19 (4), Section 64 (3) b), Section 70 (9)]
An exam’s or a course’s completion is invalid if the student didn’t complete the course’s weak prerequisite. The grade of completion later deemed unsuccessful and in case of an exam, the exam registration as well will be deleted in Neptun at the end of the semester by Student Affairs and Registrar’s Office. An invalid completion doesn’t count towards the six possible attempts to acquire a grade, but it does towards said course’s limited, three course registration possibilities.
Overdue payment obligation
It is not possible to register for an exam if the student has an overdue payment obligation or an obligation towards the library. We advise you to check it now, in time, whether or not you may have a payment obligation in Neptun. You can do so the following way: in Neptun, choose Finance > Payment and list with the following settings: Terms: ’All terms’, Status: ’Active’.
If the student doesn’t fulfill the payment obligation before the deadline, Neptun automatically charges a 3500 HUF late fee. You can find information regarding the payment method on the website of the Quaestura Office, in FAQ/Fees and Funds (
If you have questions regarding a payment obligation towards the library, please contact the Faculty’s library.
Regulations concerning offered grades
Offered grade [ARS. Section 4. 52/C., Section 68/B.]: the instructor may offer the student a grade (offered grade) based on the Student’s performance over the course of the semester. The Student may accept the grade in Neptun, in which case it becomes the final grade. The Student may reject the offered grade, in which case they shall be required to sit for a written or oral exam during the exam period. The Student is notified about the offered grade in a message sent via Neptun.
Period to enter offered grades: in the current semester, instructors may enter offered grades into Neptun between 1 November and 24 December, 2023.
Accepting/rejecting offered grades is possible in the current semester from 1 November 2023 to 6 p.m. on 31 December 2023.
Offered grades can be accessed under Subjects > Offered grades in Neptun.
The student may accept the offered grade, in which case the offered grade becomes the final grade.Accepting the offered grade is only possible if the student has not registered for an exam on the same subject. If the grade is accepted, the student cannot register for an exam. An offered grade that has been accepted by the student cannot be improved on by sitting for an exam in the same subject. If the student obtains a valid exam grade for the subject in question prior to accepting the offered grade, the offered grade shall be considered rejected.
The student may reject the offered grade, in which case the student may register and sit for an exam. After the offered grade is recorded in Neptun, the student may not register for an exam in the given subject until the offered grade is rejected.
If the student ignores the offered grade, i.e. the student fails to reject or accept the grade in Neptun, the offered grade shall be marked as rejected.
Lodging complaints concerning grades at the end of the exam period [ARS Section 65. (6)]
It is advised that students check whether all their grades are properly entered into Neptun at the end of the exam period (3 February 2024). The student and/or the lecturer can lodge a complaint within seven days following the examination period if: a) the grade recorded in Neptun does not match the grade awarded by the lecturer, b) no grade has been entered despite the student successfully completing the exam, c) the system shows inexcused absence despite the student sitting for the exam, or d) the lecturer recorded the grade but the subject is not marked as completed (“it does not become green”). Complaints can only be lodged as a request in Neptun from 4 p.m. on 3 February until 5 p.m. on 10 February, 2024. The deadline is a term of preclusion, unless the student can prove with a doctor’s note that the student was unable to act because of a medical problem that persisted for four consecutive days within the aforementioned seven-day period. The doctor’s note must be submitted withing three days after the medical problem causing the absence is resolved.
If the student misses the deadline to lodge a complaint, the grade recorded in Neptun will be considered valid and final. If no grade is recorded, the course is not going to be completed. The grade cannot be changed, nor can a missing grade be registered after the expiry of the deadline.
Terminating the student status for not completing courses and exams
Based on ARS Section 52. (1) the student status must be terminated and the student must be dismissed from the training programme if the student
- does not complete a study unit, which forms part of the programme’s curriculum, after three course registrations, or
- does not complete a study unit which is part of the programme’s curriculum after six attempts to get a grade. Unsuccessful exams which are results of inexcused absences and invalid completion of a course because of not passing a weak prerequisite do not count in the aforementioned six attempts.
The two quantitative limitations are independent from each other. For instance, it is possible to fail an exam three times after one course registration in the same exam period. If the student registers for the course a second time and fail the exam three times, the student must be dismissed from the study programme because the student failed the exam six times, even though the student registered only twice. It is also possible that the student registers for a course three times but fails to obtain a grade twice, i.e. does not register for an exam or does not sit for an exam, and at the third registration fails the exam. In this case, the student must be dismissed for the reason of not completing the course after three course registrations, although the student had only one attempt to obtain a grade. The provisions concerning these quantitative limitations shall not be applied in the cases of solely elective courses. If the student exceeds either quantitative limitation, the student may submit a request to the Dean for only one extra opportunity immediately after the failed registration or the unsuccessful attempt to get a grade.
Wishing you a successful exam period,
Student Affairs and Registrar’s Office, ELTE PPK