Final examination application 2021/22/1

Dear Student,
Please be informed that application for the final examination (defense) is possible only in the Neptun system. Only those students have to apply now, who plan to graduate in the autumn semester of the academic year 2021/2022.
The deadline of the application in the autumn semester is 23:59 p.m. 20th October 2021.
Method of the application
The application form appears in the Neptun - formally as a request - in the section Administration > Requests > Available request forms. You can open the form clicking on its name. Personal data are filled automatically by the system, you have to fill out only the data regarding the examination.
After the application the form will be still available under Submitted requests in a pdf file, which can be printed or saved for yourself. You can find the status of the request also here: after submission it will be automatically ’Being processed’, what will be modified to ’Accepted’ when the application deadline is passed.
• The application form can be submitted only during its availability period, after the submission deadline you can’t reach it anymore. In case you miss the deadline, you can apply only on a paper-based request submitted to the Academic Committee and you must pay an administrative fee (3500 HUF) in case you get their permission.
• Filling out the form cannot be paused, after opened it, you have two options: (1) use the button ’Submit request’ in the bottom of the page, or (2) use the button ’Back’, which will delete all the filled information.
• The submitted request cannot be modified anymore!
• The status ’Accepted’ is used only to verify that the application arrived to the office.
Requirements to take the final examination
According to Section 81 (7) of the Academic Regulations for Students those students can take the final exam, who:
a) obtained their pre-degree certificate (absolutorium),
b) do not have any outstanding debt towards the University in terms of tuition fees and other payments, and have returned items of the University's property,
c) and submitted their thesis on time.
Student Affairs and Registrar’s Office
Faculty of Education and Psychology