Student administration - Forms
Late course enrolment request form
Request form for the Academic Committee
Supplement 1: Supervisor's statement in case of late submission of the Thesis
Supplement 2: Details of the concerned courses and the teacher’s verification in case of individual schedule
Supplement 3: Details of the concerned courses and the teacher’s verification in case of late semester registration and course enrolment
Supplement 4: Details of the concerned courses and the teacher's verification in case of ERASMUS exchange program
Credit transfer requests can be submitted exclusively in Neptun system from semester 2023/24/2 on. Submission of paper documents is not accepted.
In case of compulsory or compulsory selective subjects, requests can be submitted after selecting Studies/Curriculum menu in Neptun site then selecting curriculum and clicking on sign + at subject listed in curriculum.
In case of optional subjects (not dedicated in curriculum) requests can be submitted after selecting Administration/Requests menu in Neptun site then selecting request type "Approval of credit for PPK optional subject".
More detailed guidance is available on this link: Guidance for submission of creadit transfer requests
Confirmation of Consultation
Declaration of originality
Requests and forms for doctoral studies
Request for the Doctoral Council of Education and Psychology
Credit transfer request for PhD students
Request for credit substitution (PhD programme)
Request form to extend the submission of dissertation (PhD programme after 2016)
Certificate of completed teaching activities for Stipendium Hungaricum Dissertation Scholarship holders