Public defence of Hanif Akhtar

Public defence of Hanif Akhtar

24. June 2024. 14:30

1064 Budapest, Izabella utca 46., Room 206


2024. June 24. 14:30 -

1064 Budapest, Izabella utca 46., Room 206

The Doctoral School of Psychology of Eötvös Loránd University invites you to Hanif Akhtar’s public defence of his doctoral dissertation entitled ”Assessing Fluid Reasoning with Computerized Adaptive Testing: Psychometric and Psychological Aspects” to be held at 2:30 pm on Monday the 24th of June 2024.

Venue: 1064 Budapest, Izabella utca 46., Room 206

Supervisor: Dr. Kristóf Kovács senior research fellow, ELTE PPK

Members of the committee

Chair: Dr. Ildikó Király professor, ELTE PPK


Dr. habil. Szilvia Fodor associate professor, ELTE PPK

Dr. Attila Pásztor senior lecturer, SZTE BTK

Secretary: Dr. Nikolett Arató senior lecturer, ELTE PPK


Dr. József Rácz professor, ELTE PPK

Dr. Szabolcs Takács associate professor, KRE BTK

Dr. Balázs Aczél professor, ELTE PPK

Alternate members

Dr. Ágnes Lukács professor, BME TTK

Dr. Dezső Németh professor, ELTE PPK