Public defence of Krisztina Andrási

Public defence of Krisztina Andrási

10. June 2024. 12:00

1075 Budapest, Kazinczy utca 23-27 203-as terem


2024. June 10. 12:00 -

1075 Budapest, Kazinczy utca 23-27 203-as terem

The Doctoral School of Psychology of Eötvös Loránd University invites you to Krisztina Andrási’s public defence of her doctoral dissertation entitled ”Exploring how preschool-aged children reason about the community-bound nature of cultural conventions” to be held at 12:00 noon on Monday 10th of June 2024

Venue: 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy utca 23-27 Room 203

Supervisor: Dr. Ildikó Király professor, ELTE PPK

Members of the committee


Dr. Judit Balázs professor, ELTE PPK


Dr. Hanna Marno associate professor, ELTE PPK

Dr. Paula Rubio-Fernández, Max Planck Institute


Dr. Réka Pető postdoctoral researcher, ELTE PPK

Further members

Dr. Katalin Egyed associate professor, ELTE PPK

Dr. Beatrix Lábadi associate professor, PTE

Dr. Márton Nagy, senior lecturer, ELTE PPK

Alternate members

Dr. Magdolna Kalmár professor emerita, ELTE PPK

Dr. Ágnes Lukács professor, BME

Dr. Mihály Berkics senior lecturer, ELTE PPK