Rules for participation in courses in the framework of epidemiological preparedness

Dear Student!

Unfortunately, you may, even in the near future, need medical (possibly hospital) treatment due to the new, SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus infection, or be ordered by the relevant authorities to be in an epidemiological isolation (quarantine), or will be quarantined due to the infection of a relative or close acquaintance. In this case, please be sure to follow the health rules prescribed for you! Below you will find information about some of the rules for attending the courses - related to epidemiological preparedness.

A person cannot enter the territory or buildings of the University, who

  • shows symptoms of coronavirus disease, in particular:
    • coughing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, sore throat,
    • fever (38 degrees or above), chills,
    • unusual fatigue, general muscle pain,
    • newly developed taste or smell disorder,
    • nausea, vomiting and / or diarrhea,
  • has been in direct contact in the last 10 days with a person infected with coronavirus,
  • is the subject of ongoing contact research or is in quarantine.

If you are unable to participate in attendance education due to the above, you have no general obligation to inform the University, you only need to notify the instructors whose classes you have taken, and your absence is considered justified.

Current rules for attending courses and distance education within the framework of epidemiological preparedness:

  • Attendance at lectures is not mandatory, unless a different rule has been published in Neptun during the course enrollment period.
  • Attendance at seminars / practices (hereinafter together: practice) is compulsory and is supervised by the teacher. There are differences between the rules for in-person and online practices.
  • ATTENDANCE EDUCATION PRACTICE A student may be absent from up to 1/4 of the classes held of a practice that requires personal presence without any further consequences. In case of any absences exceeding 1/4, up to 100% (!), the instructor is obliged to ensure the possibility of completing the course by assigning additional tasks. Attendance practices also include combined courses in the context of hybrid education, some of which take place in attendance and others in distance education, online.
  • DISTANCE EDUCATION PRACTICE Different rules apply to absences of more than 1/4 in the synchronous (simultaneous with attendance) online form of distance education practice. In the event of an absence between 1/4 and 1/3, the instructor will decide whether to withhold the grade or prescribe an extra task to make obtaining the grade possible. In case of absence exceeding 1/3, the instructor is obliged (!) to withhold the grade. In the case of asynchronous (different time) distance education practice, the concept of absence cannot be interpreted, so the above rules do not apply to such courses.
  • A special form of ATTENDANCE EDUCATION PRACTICE is what, by its nature, can only be completed through the personal presence of the student (e.g., certain trainings, practices, sports practices, etc.). Students can learn about this nature of practices on Neptun from the course descriptions. In the case of such practices, distance education shall be subject to the same rules as in the case of distance education practices.

If someone, for essentially any reason, decides to complete all their courses in absentia, they can find a Request for participation in distance education in Neptun in the Administration> Requests> Available request forms menu that they can fill out and submit in Neptun. In possession of the permit, the student is obliged to contact his / her instructor(s) to agree on the conditions for completing the course.
