Psychology BA

Aim of the programme
The aim of the programme is to train professionals in the theoretical foundations and basic methods of psychology and to give insights into the applied branches of the discipline, such as skills and techniques that can be used to measure, explore and develop individuals, groups or organizations. Students will obtain an integrated knowledge of education, communication, socialization, learnin and human development. It is also aimed to provide modern knowledge and a sense of vocation that support further studies in any psychology MA programme.
According to the above mentioned objectives the curriculum of the faculty underlines the importance of theoretical knowledge and the regular syllabus of the profession of psychology, therefore it teaches the methodology and the practical courses eligible to master the main applied branches and the trainings that shape the skills and competences necessary for the behavior analysis separately and supports it with high credit volume. Next to the basic courses and the regular syllabus the curriculum also offers further special courses to help their detailed understanding. One can choose from them in order to decide in which practical field the student wants to become familiar with or more deeply engaged in.
The methodically demanding research papers compiled in the fields of the basic branches substantiate the final dissertation which is in fact a portfolio of the empirical findings of these research papers, but with a methodical completion of an individually chosen one with further introduction into practical applications.
The final examination consists of the defense and discussion of the research papers. Students are to place their research papers within the broader context of their studies in psychology. Special emphasis will be given to the methodological skill and appropriate use of statistical methods acquired by the student.
Duration of the programme: 3 years (6 semesters)
Credit number: 180 ECTS
Type: bachelor, full-time
Language: English
Tuition fee: 4700 EUR/semester
Application and entrance exam fee: 120-120 EUR
Degree: Human Behaviour Analyst
Accreditation number: OH-FHF/1415-4/2009