Incoming mobility

Incoming mobility

Incoming mobility

If you are a student at another university and you are interested in studying as an exchange student at ELTE, these pages are for you. We have collected the most frequent study abroad scholarships and other opportunities that international students choose when they come to ELTE as exchange students for one or two semesters.


You can find information about Erasmus + application here.

Who to contact

Dorina Szonja Tarczali
International Coordinator, International Office

Address: 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 23–27.
Room: fszt. 1.2

Regulations for course selection

Please take a look at our actual course selection. These are all the courses that we offer for exchange/guest students at our faculty. When choosing the ones that you would like to follow please consider the following rules into consideration:

  • You can choose any of the courses from the program you have been accepted for (the one you indicated in your application form).

  • You can choose a maximum of 10 credits (ECTS) from programs other than your own, including courses from other faculties.
  • There is no lower or upper limit of how many courses or how many credits you might follow during your exchange semester regarding your program.
  • Bachelor students can only follow BA level courses – MA is not allowed.
  • Master students can follow courses from both BA and MA levels.
  • Psychology MA courses (the ones with PSZM... or PSYM... codes) are recommended only to psychology MA students.

Courses for incoming students 2022/23 Spring

Psychology BA

PSZB17-102 Study and communication skills, practice, 3 ECTS

PSZB17-112 Cognitive Psychology 2., seminar, 3 ECTS

PSZB17-133: 32 Psychological Skill Training: Psychology and Technology, practice, 2 ECTS

PSZB17-133:49  Psychological Skill Training: Global Mental Health: Psychology from an International Perspective, practice, 2 ECTS

PSZB17-133:65  Psychological Skill Training: Digitalization of HR processes @ Multinational company, practice, 2 ECTS

PSZB17-133:76  Psychological Skill Training: Psychological well-being in practice, practice, 2 ECTS

PSZB17-133:77  Psychological Skill Training: Innovation and creativity, practice, 2 ECTS

PSYB17-135:15  Psychological Skill Training: Global Mental Health: Psychology from an International Perspective, practice, 2 ECTS

PSYB17-135:22  Psychological Skill Training: Basic Clinical Interviewing Skills, practice, 2 ECTS

PSYB17-135:3    Psychological Skill Training: Academic Writing and Presentation Skills, practice, 2 ECTS

PSYB17-135:5    Psychological Skill Training: Autogen training, practice, 2 ECTS

PSYB19-108 Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Genetics, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSYB19-111 Cognitive Psychology 1, lecture, 6 ECTS

PSYB19-124 Social Psychology 1, lecture + practice, 6 ECTS

PSYB19-130 Introduction to Neuroscience, lecture, 5 ECTS

PSYB19-131 Research Methods Practical 1., practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-132:2 Research Methods Practical 2 (Interview, focus group and content analysis), practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-133:2 Research Methods Practical 3 (Opinion Measurement), practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-134:1 Research Methods Practical 4 (Methods of Experimentation), practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-134:2 Research Methods Practical 4 (Infant and child study), practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-137 Introduction to Adult and Child Clinical Psychology, lecture, 5 ECTS

PSYB19-141 Introduction to Work and Organisational Psychology, lecture, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-207 Biological Psychology 2., lecture, 2 ECTS

PPK-PSZI: Psychology and crime, lecture, 3 ECTS

PPK-PSZI:55 Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, practice, 4 ECTS

Psychology MA

PSZM21-KG-102 Individual Differences in Cognition, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-KG-105, CCNM17-CN-107:2 Social Cognition, lecture,  4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-KOGN-101, CCNM17-208 Bevezetés a kognitív és affektív idegtudományba, lecture 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-KOGN-104 FMRI adatok elemzése, practice, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-110 Cognitive Psychology 2., lecture, 2 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:1 Visual Neuroscience, lecture,  4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-INTV-114; PSZM21-MO-TAN-109 CBT-Skills Development, seminar, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-INTV-122 Introduction to some key concepts of modern clinical psychoanalysis, seminar, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-SZOM-116; PSZM21-MO-MUNK-109, PSZM21-MO-TAN-110, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of Complex Interventions, practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-TAN-112, Traumainformed individual and group interventions, practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-VEZ-111, Career Development Communication Training, practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-TS-105 Globalization - Changing Identities and Challenges, practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-TS-106 Academic writing (in English), lecture, 4 ECTS

PSYM21-104:8 Gender in Psychology, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-104:17 The psychology of Adaptation, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-208; PSZM21-MO-KOGN-101 Neurobiology, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-112 Philosophy of Science, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-110 Cognitive Psychology 2., lecture, 2 ECTS

CCNM17-213 Computer Programming, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-219 Semantics and Knowledge Representation, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:2 Language, cognition, consciousness and their development, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:1 Visual Neuroscience, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:9 Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, practice, 4 ECTS


PEDB22-108 Developmental Psychology, practice, 5 ECTS

PEDB17-121 Educational Movements and Pedagogy in the 19th-20th. Centuries, lecture, 3 ECTS

PEDB17-124 Inclusive Pedagogy, practice, 4 ECTS

PEDB17-126 ICT in Education, practice, 5 ECTS

PEDB17-119 Educational Psychology, practice, 5 ECTS

PEDB17-128:4 Schools and Children in Movies practice, 3 ECTS (Note: Only for Educational Science and Teacher Training students)

PPK-NEV:252 European Integration and Education, practice, 5 ECTS

PPK-NEV:301 Introduction to Hungarian Culture and Society, practice, 2 ECTS

PPK-NEV:328, Creative Scientific Writing & Content Creation, practice, 2 ECTS


PPK-NEV:252 European Integration and Education, practice, 5 ECTS

PPK-NEV:301 Introduction to Hungarian Culture and Society, practice, 2 ECTS

PPK-NEV:328, Creative Scientific Writing & Content Creation, practice, 2 ECTS

EDUM-102 History of Pedagogical Problems and Comparative Education, practice, 4 ECTS

EDUM-109 Learning and Teaching Theories, lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-110 Problem Based Learning, practice, 4 ECTS

EDUM-111 Learning Organization, lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-114 Cognitive Psychology, lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-ET-202 Ethical Considerations and Psychosocial Aspects of Teaching and Learning with Technology, lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-ET-103 Instructional Design and Development 1. (Blended Learning Environments), lecture, 5 ECTS

EDUM-ET-108 Technology-based Assessment and Evaluation, practice, 4 ECTS

EDUM-ET-106 Transforming Education Through Emerging Technologies, lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-ET-107 Education Policy and Technology, lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-EM-104, Programme Design and Assessment, lecture, 5 ECTS


SOCM17-108 Sensitivity training, practice, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-110 Multicultural Education: Reasearch and Analysis of Reference, practice, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-113 Social behaviour, Child Development, Child Rearing and Socialization, lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-116 Culture and Thinking, lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-117 Children of Disadvantaged Groups in Education, practice, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-118 Human and Minority Rights Discussion Seminar, practice, 2 ECTS

SOCM17-120 Diversity, Social Inequalities and Equity in Education, practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-TS-105 Globalizáció: változó határú identitások és kihívások, practice, 4 ECTS


HRCM21-104 Employability and Labour Market Success, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-106 Economics II. (Microeconomics), seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-108 Research Methodology Seminar, seminar, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-109 Communication, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-117 The Practice of Counselling, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-125 Change Management, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-126 Learning and Development in Organizations, lecture, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-127 Approaches to supporting adult learning and teaching, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-135 Strategic Human Resources Management, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM17-120 Labour Law Seminar, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-128, Organizational Learning and Knowlege management, seminar, 3 ECTS 

HRCM17-129 Equity and Human Resourse Management, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-130, Methods and Techniques of Counselling, seminar, 2 ECTS 

HRCM21-131, Development of Professional Competencies, seminar, 3 ECTS 

HRCM17-132 Career Planning and Management, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-136, Project management,  seminar, 2 ECTS


RKEB21-146 Sport games, practice, 2 ECTS

RKEB21-123 Rocket sports, practice, 2 ECTS

RKEB21-137 Wellness, lecture, 3 ECTS

SPREB20-SZR-108 Tourist camps and outdoor sports, practice, 2 ECTS

SSZVB21-104 Basics of sport sociology, online consultation, 2 ECTS

SSZVB21-161:15 History of Sports on the Screen, practice, 3 ECTS

SSZVB21-155 Winter and water sports, practice, 2 ECTS

OANTE17-5141 Swimming, practice, 2 ECTS

OANTE17-4134 Soccer, practice, 2 ECTS

OANTE17-4132 Gymnastics, practice, 2 ECTS

SPSPB20-121 Human resources management, lecture, 2 ECTS

SPSPB20-105 International relations and Europen Union, online consultation, 2 ECTS

SPREB20-131 Prevention and Rehabilitation, lecture, 2 ECTS

SSZVB21-161:32 Mental Hygiene, practice, 2 ECTS

SSZVB21-101 Sport and health, practice, 3 ECTS

Courses for incoming students 2022/23 ِAutumn

Please take a look at our course selection. These are all the courses that we offer for exchange/guest students at our faculty. When choosing the ones that you would like to follow please consider the following rules into consideration:

  • You can choose any of the courses from the program you have been accepted for (the one you indicated in your application form).
  • You can choose a maximum of 10 credits (ECTS) from programs other than your own, including courses from other faculties.
  • There is no lower or upper limit of how many courses or how many credits you might follow during your exchange semester regarding your program.
  • Bachelor students can only follow BA level courses – MA is not allowed.
  • Master students can follow courses from both BA and MA levels.

Psychology BA

PSYB19-114, Research Field Practice in Cognitive/Affective Psychology, Practice, 3 ECTS            

PSYB19-132, Research Methods Practical 2.: Observation and Field Research, Practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-126, Research Field Practice in Social Psychology, Practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-133:2, Research Methods Practical 3, Practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-134:1, Research Methods Practical 4, Practice, 3 ECTS

PPK-PSZI:25, Szorongás csökkentése a gyakorlatban, Practice, 2 ECTS

PSYB19-132:2, Interview, focus group, content analysis, Practice, 3 ECTS

PSZB17-133:32, Viselkedéselemzés: Psychology and Technology, Practice, 2 ECTS

PSZB17-226, Kutatási terepgyakorlat a szociálpszichológia területén (angolul), Practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-102, Study and Communication Skills, Practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-122, Research Field Practice in Developmental Psychology, Practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-134:2, Infant and child study, Practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-118, Research Field pract. in Personality Psychology, Practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-103, Introduction of Psychology, Lecture, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-104, Basics of Research Methods, Lecture, 3 ECTS

PSYB17-135:14,  "Psychological Skill Training: Empathy and Group dynamics ", Practice, 2 ECTS

PSYB19-137, Introduction to Adult and Child Clinical Psychology, Lecture, 5 ECTS

PSYB19-138, Clinical Psychology Practical, Lecture, 5 ECTS

PSYB19-132, Research Methods Practical 2.: Observation and Field Research, Practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-129, Psychological Ethics and Legal Issues, Lecture, 3 ECTS

PSYB17-136, Introduction to Bordering Sciences, Lecture, 5 ECTS

PSYB17-135:3, Psychological Skill Training: Academic Writing and Presentation Skills, Practice, 2 ECTS

PSYB17-135:17, Psychological Skill Training: Psychology in documentaries, Practice, 2 ECTS       

Psychology MA

PSYM21-104:7, Culture and Psychology, Lecture, 4 ECTS 

PSZM21-104:13; PSZM21-KG-103, Human Memory across the Lifespan; Development, Learning and Forgetting, Lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-104:21, PPK-PSZI, Psychology in practice: cognitive effort, expertise, prediction and current topics, Lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-KG-101, Perception, attention, Lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-KG-104, Motor cognition, Lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-AFF-101; PSZM21-MO-INTV-101, Data-driven insights for affective anxiety management based on feedback from emotional arousal, Practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-ATIP-106; PSZM21-MO-AFF-113, Play Smart: utilizing smart environment for understanding group play activities to foster early skill development, Practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-INTV-115; PSZM21-MO-SZOM-119, Bálint-group, Practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-KOGN-102, Bases of Data Analyses in the Cognitive Field, Practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-NEUR-101, Cognitive Neuropsychology, Lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-POZ-106, Basics of Positive psychology: Theoretical Models and Interventions, Lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-SZOM-116; PSZM21-MO-MUNK-109; PSZM21-MO-TAN-110, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of Complex Interventions, Practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-VEZ-110, Gender, Career and Leadership, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-TS-108, Behavioural economics, Lecture, 4 ECTS

Educational sciences BA

PPK-NEV:332, Inclusive Pedagogy, Practice, 4 ECTS

PEDB17-126, ICT in Education, Practice, 5 ECTS

PEDB17-128:4, Childhood, Family and Schooling in Films, Practice, 3 ECTS

PPK-NEV:301, Introduction to Hungarian Culture and Society, Practice, 2 ECTS

PPK-NEV:327, Visit and Analysis of School Practices, Practice, 2 ECTS

EDUM-107, The Theory of Education Systems, Lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-112, Learning Environments, Practice,  3 ECTS

PEDB17-119 Educational Psychology, practice, 5 ECTS 

Educational sciences MA

EDUM-101, The Social and Anthropological Bases of Educational Sciences, Lecture,  4 ECTS

EDUM-104, Academic Writing, Practice, 3 ECTS

EDUM-105, The Theory and Methodology of the Research in Educational Sciences, Lecture, 3 ECTS 

EDUM-106, Research Method 1, Practice, 3 ECTS

EDUM-107, The Theory of Education Systems, Lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-112 , Learning Environments, Practice, 3 ECTS

EDUM-113, Educational Social Psychology, Lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-ET-101, The Theory and Practice of Teaching and Learning with Technology, Lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-103, Philosophy of Education, Theories in Education Science, Lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-108, Education, Economy and Law, Lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-ET-104, Instructional Design and Development 2. (Online Learning Environments), Lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-ET-105, Research on Educational Technology, Lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-ET-109, Games-based Learning and Technology, Practice, 4 ECTS

EDUM-ET-110, Multimedia and digital storytelling in education, Practice, 4 ECTS

PPK-NEV:301, Introduction to Hungarian Culture and Society, Practice, 2 ECTS

PPK-NEV:327, Visit and Analysis of School Practices, Practice, 2 ECTS

Social integration MA

SOCM17-102, Minorities in Society, Lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-103, Multiculturalism and Criticism of Multicultural Theories, Lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-104, Minority and Majority Identity, Practice, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-105, Human Rights and Minority Rights, Lecture 3 ECTS

SOCM17-106, Prejudices and Ideologies, Lecture 3 ECTS

SOCM17-107, Globalization and Migration, Lecture, 4 ECTS

SOCM17-111, Intercultural training, Practice, 2 ECTS

SOCM17-109, Social Science Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, Lecture, 2 ECTS

SOCM17-115, Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Pedagogy: Interactions Between Cultures and Education, Lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-121, Gender Relations, Gender Roles and Beliefs, Lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-125, Minority Educational Models and Education of Minorities, Lecture, 3 ECTS

PPK-IPPI:13, Hungarian Culture: Narratives of Freedom and Oppression, Practice, 4 ECTS

Human Resources MSc

HRCM21-101, Social Ethics, Lecture,  2 ECTS

HRCM21-102, Theory of Science, lecture, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-103, Labour Market Knowledge, Lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-105, Economics I. (Macroeconomics), Seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-107, The Methodology of Scientific Research, Seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-110, Counselling and Social Psychology, Lecture, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-111, Counselling and Social Psychology, Seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-114,  Adult Learning and Development, Lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-116, The Theory of Counselling, Lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-124, Self-awareness training, Seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-133, LLL and LLG, Lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-112, Organizational Psychology, Lecture, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-113, Organizational Psychology, Seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-115, Organization Development, Seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-121, Information Science, Lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-122, Online and Distance Learning, Lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-123, Conflict Management, Lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-134, Leadership Theory, Lecture, 3 ECTS

PPK-FTI:9, Among Others: Intercultural learning in practice, 4 ECTS

KOZB20-105, Foreign language for vocational purposes, 3 ECTS

Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience MSc

CCNM17-101, Introduction to Cognitive Science, Lecture, 2 ECTS

CCNM17-209, Cognitive Psychology 1, Lecture, 6 ECTS

CCNM17-107, Statistics and Methodology, Practice, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-203, Epistemology, Lecture, 4 ECTS

 CCNM17-216, Neuropsychology, Lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-218, Psycholinguistics, Lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-215, Evolutionary Psychology, Lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-201, Cognitive/Affective Neuroscience, Lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-202, Cognitive/Affective Neuropsychology, Lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-209:1, Cognitive Informatics in Human Vision, Practice, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-209:2, Human Reproduction, Practice, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:8, Cognitive Developmental Research, Lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-210:1, Knowledge and Culture, Lecture, 2 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-210:2, Quantitative and Molecular Behaviour Genetics, Lecture, 2 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:5, Brain Imaging, Lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:4, Psychophysiology of Cognitive Processes, Lecture, 4 ECTS

PPK-PSZI:28, Journal Club, Practice, 4 ECTS


PPK-PSZI Journal Club, practice, 2 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-103, CCNM17-CN-209:1 Cognitive Informatics in Human Vision, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:8 Cognitive Developmental Research, lecture, 4 ECTS

PPK-PSZI:17 MeiCogSci Project work 1, practice, 10 ECTS

PPK-PSZ:18 MeiCogSci Project work 2, practice, 15 ECTS

PPK-PSZ:19 MeiCogSci Project work 3, practice, 20 ECTS

Sport courses


VTN:99, General sport courses, Practice, 1 ECTS


SSZVB21-154, Rocket sports, Practice, 2 ECTS

RKEB21-103, Psychology, sport psychology, Lecture, 3 ECTS

RKEB21-120, Sports games (volleyball, basketball), Practice, 2 ECTS

SSZVB21-104, Basics of sport sociology, online consultation, 2 ECTS

SSZVB21-116, World of sports lecture, online consultation, 3 ECTS

SPSPB20-151:10, English language - sports terminology, Practice, 2 ECTS

SSZVB21-136, Management of sports (non-olympic sports), Practice, 3 ECTS

SSZVB21-161:1, Positive psychology, Practice, 2 ECTS

OANTE17-6149, Swimming, Practice, 2 ECTS

SSZVB21-161:18, Functional training, Practice, 2 ECTS

SSZVB21-161:35, Olympism, Practice, 2 ECTS

OANTE17-3127, Basketball, Practice, 2 ECTS

OANTE17-3128, Aerobics, Practice, 2 ECTS

SPSPB20-105, International relations and European Union, online consultation, 2 ECTS

Courses for incoming students 2021/22 Spring


Please take a look at our course selection. These are all the courses that we offer for exchange/guest students at our faculty. When choosing the ones that you would like to follow please consider the following rules into consideration:

  • You can choose any of the courses from the program you have been accepted for (the one you indicated in your application form).
  • You can choose a maximum of 10 credits (ECTS) from programs other than your own, including courses from other faculties.
  • There is no lower or upper limit of how many courses or how many credits you might follow during your exchange semester regarding your program.
  • Bachelor students can only follow BA level courses – MA is not allowed.
  • Master students can follow courses from both BA and MA levels.

Psychology BA

PSZB17-102 Study and Communication Skills, practice, 3 ECTS

PSZB17-112 Cognitive psychology 2., seminar, 3 ECTS

PSZB17-130:2 Interview, focus group and content analysis, practice, 2 ECTS

PSZB17-133:20 Foundations of Positive Psychology: Theory, Research and Applications, practice, 2 ECTS

PSZB17-133:32 Psychology and technology, practice, 2 ECTS

PSZB17-133:65 Digitalization of HR Processes @ Multinational Company, practice, 2 ECTS

PSYB19-108 Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Genetics, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSYB19-130 Introduction to neuroscience, lecture, 5 ECTS

PSYB19-113 Affective Psychology, lecture + practice, 6 ECTS

PSYB19-116 Personality Psychology 1., lecture + practice, 6 ECTS

PSYB19-124 Social Psychology 1., lecture + practice, 6 ECTS

PSYB19-137 Introduction to adult and child clinical psychology,  lecture, 5 ECTS

PSYB19-139 Introduction to health psychology, lecture, 3 ECTS 

PSYB19-140 Introduction to educational psychology, lecture, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-142 Introduction to counselling psychology, lecture, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-141 Introduction to work and organisational psychology, lecture, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-131 Research methods practical 1, practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB17-132:1 Research methods practical 2. Observation and field research, practice, 3 ECTS 

PSYB19:133:2 Research methods practical 3. Opinion measurement, practice, 3 ECTS 

PSYB19-134:1 Research methods practical 4. Methods of experimentation, practice, 3 ECTS

Psychology MA

PSZM21-MO-SZOM-112 Psychological Aspects of Eating Behavior, seminar, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-SZOM-115 Medical Anthropology, seminar, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-MUNK-105 Wellbeing and Health Promotion at the Workplace, practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-TAN-112 Traumainformed Individual and Group Interventions, practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-104:13 és PSZM21-KG-103 Human memory across the lifespan: development, learning and forgetting, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-104:17 The psychology of Adaptation, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-TS-106 Academic writing, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-ATIP-106 Play Smart: Utilizing Smart Environment for Understanding Group Play Activities to Foster Early Skill Development, seminar, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-INTV-101 Data-driven Insights for Affective Anxiety Management based on Feedback from Emotional Arousal, practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-SZOM-101 Psychological Support for Critically Ill Patients, practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-DIAG-108 Mental Disorders - a Journey through the History of Films and Cinematography, seminar, 4 ECTS

Educational sciences BA

PEDB17-121 Educational Movements and Pedagogy in the 19th-20th. Centuries, lecture, 3 ECTS

PEDB17-124 Inclusive Pedagogy, practice, 4 ECTS

PEDB17-126 Education technology and learning, practice, 5 ECTS

PPK-NEV:252 European Integration and Education, practice, 5 ECTS

PPK-NEV:301 Introduction to Hungarian Culture and Society, practice, 2 ECTS

TBA Creative Scientific Writing & Content Creation, practice, 2 ECTS

TBA Visit and Analysis of School Practices, practice, 2 ECTS 

Educational sciences MA

PPK-NEV:252 European Integration and Education, practice, 5 ECTS

PPK-NEV:301 Introduction to Hungarian Culture and Society, practice, 2 ECTS 

TBA Creative Scientific Writing & Content Creation, practice, 2 ECTS

TBA Visit and Analysis of School Practices, practice, 2 ECTS

EDUM-102 History of Pedagogical Problems and Comparative Education, practice, 4 ECTS 

EDUM-109 Learning and Teaching Theories, lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-110 Problem Based Learning, practice, 4 ECTS

EDUM-111 Learning Organization, lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-114 Cognitive Psychology, lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-ET-202 Ethical Considerations and Psychosocial Aspects of Teaching and Learning with Technology, lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-ET-103 Instructional Design and Development 1. (Blended Learning Environments), lecture, 5 ECTS

EDUM-ET-108 Technology-based Assessment and Evaluation, practice, 4 ECTS

EDUM-ET-106 Transforming Education Through Emerging Technologies, lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-ET-107 Education Policy and Technology, lecture, 4 ECTS

Social integration MA

SOCM17-108 Sensitivity training, practice, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-110 Multicultural Education: Reasearch and Analysis of Reference, practice, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-113 Social behaviour, Child Development, Child Rearing and Socialization, lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-116 Culture and Thinking, lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-117 Children of Disadvantaged Groups in Education, practice, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-118 Human and Minority Rights Discussion Seminar, practice, 2 ECTS

SOCM17-120 Diversity, Social Inequalities and Equity in Education, practice, 4 ECTS

Human Resources MSc

HRCM21-104 Employability and Labour Market Success, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-106 Economics II. (Microeconomics) seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-108 Research Methodology Seminar, seminar, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-109 Communication, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-117 The Practice of Counselling, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-125 Change Management, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-126 Learning and Development in Organizations, lecture, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-127 Approaches to supporting adult learning and teaching, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-135 Strategic Human Resources Management, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-137 General Professional Practice, practice, 3 ECTS

HRCM17-120 Labour Law Seminar, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM17-125 Change Management, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM17-129 Equity and Human Resourse Management, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM17-131 Communication in Human Resourse Management, seminar 2 ECTS

HRCM17-132 Career Planning and Management, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM17-135 Strategies in Human Resources, seminar, 2 ECTS

Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience MSc

CCNM17-208; PSZM21-MO-KOGN-101 Neurobiology, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-112 Philosophy of Science, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-110 Cognitive Psychology 2., lecture, 2 ECTS

CCNM17-111 Cognitive Psychology Practical, practice, 2 ECTS

CCNM17-213 Computer Programming, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-219 Semantics and Knowledge Representation, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-214 Intelligent Systems, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:2 Language, cognition, consciousness and their development, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:1 Visual Neuroscience, lecture, 4 ECTS

Sport courses

General Sport courses:

VTN:99 General sport courses, practice, 1 ECTS


RKEB21-146 Sport games, practice, 2 ECTS

SPREB20-113 Rocket sports, practice, 2 ECTS

SPSPB20-151:7 Swimming, practice, 2 ECTS

SPREB20-127 Wellness, lecture, 3 ECTS

SPREB20-SZR-108 Tourist camps and outdoor sports, practice, 2 ECTS

SPREB20-SZR-105 Water sports management, practice, 2 ECTS

SSZVB21-104 Basics of sport sociology, online consultation, 2 ECTS

SPSPB20-135 History of sports, practice, 3 ECTS

SPSPB20-151:10 English language - sports terminology, practice, 2 ECTS

SPSPB20-145 Winter and water sports, practice, 2 ECTS

SPSPB20-151:5 Tennis, practice, 2 ECTS

OANTE17-5141 Swimming, practice, 2 ECTS

OANTE17-4134 Soccer, practice, 2 ECTS

OANTE17-4132 Gymnastics, practice, 2 ECTS

OANTE17-2120 Athletics, practice, 2 ECTS

SPSPB17-115 Human resources management, lecture, 2 ECTS

SPSPB20-105 International relations and Europen Union, online consultation, 2 ECTS


Courses for incoming students 2021/22 Autumn


Please take a look at our course selection. These are all the courses that we offer for exchange/guest students at our faculty. When choosing the ones that you would like to follow please consider the following rules into consideration:

  • You can choose any of the courses from the program you have been accepted for (the one you indicated in your application form).
  • You can choose a maximum of 10 credits (ECTS) from programs other than your own, including courses from other faculties.
  • There is no lower or upper limit of how many courses or how many credits you might follow during your exchange semester regarding your program.
  • Bachelor students can only follow BA level courses – MA is not allowed.
  • Master students can follow courses from both BA and MA levels.

Psychology BA


PSZB17-102  Study and Communication skills, practice, 2 ECTS

PSZB17-116 "Personality psychology 1. lecture+practice, 6 ECTS

PSZB17-117 Personality psychology 2. lecture+seminar, 6 ECTS

PSZB17-120  Developmental psychology 1. lecture+practice, 6 ECTS

PSZB17-121  Developmental psychology 2. lecture+seminar, 6 ECTS

PSZB17-124 Social psychology 1. practice, 6 ECTS

PSZB17-130:1 Observation and Field-research, practice, 3 ECTS

PSZB17-130:2 Interview, focus group and content analysis, practice 3 ECTS

PSZB17-133:32 Psychology and Technology, practice, 2 ECTS

PSZB17-133:49 Global Mental Health: Psychology from an International Perspective, practice 2 ECTS

PSZB17-138 Clinical psychology practical, practice 5 ECTS

Psychology MA

PSZM21-104:13, PSZM21-KG-103 Human memory, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-149    Positive psychology: theoretical models and interventions, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-208 Planning, monitoring and evaluation of complex interventions and evaluating complex interventions, practice 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-122 Data-driven insights for affective anxiety management based on feedback from emotional arousal, practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-157 Play Smart: utilizing smart environment for understanding group play activities to foster early skill development, seminar, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-156:2 Social and cultural diversity in education, seminar 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-187 Cognitive neuropsychology lecture, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-MO-196 Traumainformed individual and group interventions, practice, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-104:13 Human memory across the lifespan: development, learning and forgetting, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-104:17  The psychology of adaptation, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM17-KF-210:4 Quantitative and molecular behavior genetics, lecture, 3 ECTS

PSZM17-KF-210:1 Psycholinguistics, lecture 3 ECTS

PSZM21-KG-101 Perception, attention, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSZM21-KG-102  Individual differences in cognition,  lecture, 4 ECTS


Social integration MA

SOCM17-101 Culture: Definitions and Dimensions, lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-102 Minorities in Society, lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-103 Multiculturalism and Criticism of Multicultural Theories, lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-104 Minority and Majority Identity, practice, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-105 Human Rights and Minority Rights, lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-106 Prejudices and Ideologies, lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-107 Globalization and Migrations, lecture, 4 ECTS

SOCM17-109 Social Science Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, lecture, 2 ECTS

SOCM17-121 Gender Relations, Gender Roles and Beliefs, lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-125 Minority Educational Models and Education of Minorities, lecture, 3 ECTS

PPK-IPPI:6 Attachment Theories and Psychology of Close Relationships, lecture, 4 ECTS

PPK-IPPI:8 Globalization: Changing Identities and Challenges, practice, 4 ECTS

Hungarian Culture: Narratives of Childhood through the lens of Visuality, practice 4 ECTS    

Hungarian Culture: Narratives of Freedom and Oppression, practice 4 ECTS    

Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience MSc

CCNM17-101 Introduction to Cognitive Science, lecture 2 ECTS

CCNM17-209 Cognitive Psychology 1, lecture, 6 ECTS

CCNM17-102 Mathematics, practice, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-107 Statistics and Methodology, practice 4 ECTS

CCNM17-203 Epistemology, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-216 Neuropsychology, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-118 Psycholinguistics, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-115 Evolutionary Psychology, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-201 Cognitive/Affective Neuroscience, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-202 Cognitive/Affective Neuropsychology, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-209:1 Cognitive Informatics in Human Vision, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-209:2 Human Reproduction, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:8 Cognitive Developmental Research, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-106 Human Ethology, lecture, 2 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:5 Brain Imaging, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:7 Psychophysiology of Cognitive Processes, lecture, 4 ECTS

PPK-PSZI Journal Club, practice, 2 ECTS

New Trends Modul just for MEi:CogSci students    

PPK-PSZI Journal Club, practice, 2 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-103, CCNM17-CN-209:1 Cognitive Informatics in Human Vision, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:8 Cognitive Developmental Research, lecture, 4 ECTS

PPK-PSZI:17 MeiCogSci Project work 1, practice, 10 ECTS

PPK-PSZ:18 MeiCogSci Project work 2, practice, 15 ECTS

PPK-PSZ:19 MeiCogSci Project work 3, practice, 20 ECTS


Educational sciences BA

PEDB17-OPA-106 Online learning and course development, practice, 4 ECTS

PEDB17-128:7 English For Professional Communication, practice, 3 ECTS

PEDB17-104 Children, families, institutions, practice, 5 ECTS

PEDB17-121 Education movements and pedagogy in the 19th and 20th centuries, lecture, 3 ECTS

PEDB-17-122 Teaching and learning, lecture, 5 ECTS

PEDB17-124 Inclusion in education, practice, 4 ECTS

PEDB17-126 Educational technology and learning, practice 5 ECTS

PPK-NEV:301 Introduction to Hungarian culture and society, practice, 2 ECTS

Essay Writing, practice, 3 ECTS

Educational sciences MA

EDUM-101 The Social and Anthropological Bases of Educational Sciences, lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-104 Academic Writing, practice, 3 ECTS

EDUM-105 The Theory and Methodology of the Research in Educational Sciences, lecture, 3ECTS

EDUM-106 Research Method 1, practice, 3 ECTS

EDUM-107 The Theory of Education Systems, lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-112 Learning Environments, practice, 3 ECTS

EDUM-113 Educational Social Psychology, lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-ET-101 The Theory and Practice of Teaching and Learning with Technology, lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-EM-101 Learning and Development in Organization, lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-103 Philosophy of Education, Theories in Education Science, lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-108 Education, Economy and Law, lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-ET-104 Instructional Design and Development 2. (Online Learning Environments), lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-ET-105 Research on Educational Technology, lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-ET-109 Games-based Learning and Technology, practice, 4 ECTS

PPK-NEV:252 European Integration and Education, practice, 5 ECTS

Human Resource Counselling MA

PPK-FTI:9 Among Others: Intercultural learning in practice, seminar, 4 ECTS

PPK-AND:18 Business planning, practice, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-101 Social Ethics, lecture, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-102 The Theory of Counselling, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-103 Adult Learning and Development, lecture, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-105 Labour Market Knowledge, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-107 Self-awareness training, seminar, 3 ECTS

HRCM21-110 Counselling and Social Psychology, lecture, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-111 Counselling and Social Psychology, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-114 Economics I., seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-116 LLL and LLG, lecture, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-124 Theory of Science, lecture, 2 ECTS

HRCM21-133 The Methodology of Scientific Research, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM17-134 Theory of Human Resource Managment, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM17-122 Online and Distance Learning, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM17-119 Leadership Theories and Organizational Development, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM17-112 Organizational Psychology, lecture, 2 ECTS

HRCM17-113 Organizational Psychology, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM17-130 Methods and Techniques of Counselling, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM17-115 Learning and Instruction, seminar, 2 ECTS

HRCM17-128 Special Needs Education and Target Groups in Labour Market, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM17-118 Human Resource Management Functions, lecture, 3 ECTS

Courses for incoming students 2020/21 Spring


Please take a look at our course selection. These are all the courses that we offer for exchange/guest students at our faculty. When choosing the ones that you would like to follow please consider the following rules into consideration:

  • You can choose any of the courses from the program you have been accepted for (the one you indicated in your application form).
  • You can choose a maximum of 10 credits (ECTS) from programs other than your own, including courses from other faculties.
  • There is no lower or upper limit of how many courses or how many credits you might follow during your exchange semester regarding your program.
  • Bachelor students can only follow BA level courses – MA is not allowed.
  • Master students can follow courses from both BA and MA levels.

Psychology BA

PSYB17-117 Personality Psychology 2., lecture+seminar, 6 ECTS

PSYB17-128:6 Special course in Applied Psychology: The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreaming, practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB17-128:7 Mental Disorders - a Journey through the History of Films and Cinematography, practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB17-134:2 Infant and Child Study, practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB17-135:15 Global Mental Health: Psychology from an International Perspective, practice, 2 ECTS

PSYB17-135:17 Psychological Skill Training:  Psychology in documentaries, practice, 2 ECTS

PSYB17-135:5 Psychological Skill Training: Autogenic Training, practice, 2 ECTS

PSYB17-135:8 Psychological skill training: Psychology and Technology, practice, 2 ECTS

PSYB17-136 Introduction to Bordering Sciences, lecture, 5 ECTS

PSYB17-138 Clinical Psychology Practical, practice, 4 ECTS

PSYB17-139 Introduction to Health Psychology, lecture, 3 ECTS

PSYB17-140 Introduction to Educational Psychology, lecture, 3 ECTS

PSYB17-141 Introduction to Work and Organisational Psychology, lecture, 3 ECTS

PSYB17-142 Introduction to Counselling Psychology, lecture, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-102 Study and Communication Skills, practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-108 Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Genetics, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSYB19-111 Cognitive Psychology 1., lecture, 6  ECTS

PSYB19-112 Cognitive Psychology 2., seminar, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-113 Affective Psychology, lecture+ practice, 6 ECTS

PSYB19-116 Personality Psychology 1., lecture+ practice 6 ECTS 

PSYB19-121 Developmental Psychology 2., lecture+ seminar, 6 ECTS

PSYB19-124 Social Psychology 1., lecture+seminar 6 ECTS

PSYB19-125 Social Psychology 2., lecture+seminar, 6 ECTS

PSYB19-130 Introduction to Neuroscience, lecture, 5 ECTS

PSYB19-131 Research Methods Practical 1., practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-132:1 Observation and field research, practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-133:2 Opinion Measurement, practice, 3 ECTS

PSYB19-137 Introduction to Adult and Child Clinical Psychology, lecture, 5 ECTS

PSZB17-102 Study and Communication Skills, practice, 2 ECTS

PSZB17-133:49 Global Mental Health: Psychology from an International Perspective, practice, 2 ECTS

Psychology MA

PSYM17-104 Social Psychology, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-103 Personality Psychology, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-205 Advanced Statistics and Data Analysis, lecture, 2 ECTS

PSYM17-208 Advanced Statistics and Data Analysis Practical, practice, 2 ECTS

PSYM17-CH-105 Health Psychophysiology and Psychoneuroimmunology, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CH-106 Drugs and Behaviour, lecture, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CH-107 Research Methods in Clinical and Health Psychology, practice, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CH-109 Neuropsychology, lecture+ seminar, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CH-114:2 Research Practice in Hypnosis, practice, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CH-114:20 PTSD and Trauma Therapy, practice, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CH-114:22 Research Practice in Criminal Psychology, practice, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CH-114:23 Optional courses is Clinical and Health Psychology: Introduction to Psychodynamic Psychotherapies, practice, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CH-114:24 Art Therapy and Research, practice, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CH-115 Theories of Psychotherapy and Psychological Interventions,  lecture, 5 ECTS

PSYM17-CH-208 Clinical Health Psychology, lecture, seminar, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CH-210 Psychodiagnostics and Clinical Case Presentation 1., lecture+seminar, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CS-205 Assessment in Counseling Psychology, practice, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CS-206 Educational Psychology and Pedagogy, practice, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CS-207 Developmental Psychopathology and Individual Counselling in School, lecture+seminar, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CS-208 Crisis Counselling, practice, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-CS-209 Family Counselling, practice, 4 ECTS

PSYM17-DC-204 The biological foundations of psychology, lecture, 6 ECTS

PSYM17-DC-205 Special features of the socialization in the family, lecture+practice, 6 ECTS

PSYM17-DC-212 Interventions for child and adolescent mental disorders, lecture, 5 ECTS

PSZMTI-211_Health promotion and prevention in school setting, 3 ECTS

Social integration MA

SOCM17-110 Multicultural Education: Research and Analysis of Reference Literature, practice, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-111 Intercultural Training, practice, 2 ECTS

SOCM17-112 Qualitative Research Methods Practice, practice 3 ECTS

SOCM17-113 Social Behaviour, Child Development, Child Rearing and Socialization, lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-116 Culture and Thinking, lecture, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-117 Children of Disadvantaged Groups in Education, practice, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-118 Human and Minority Rights - Discussion Seminar, practice, 2 ECTS

SOCM17-119 Quantitative Research Methods Practice, practice, 3 ECTS

SOCM17-120 Diversity, Social Inequalities and Equity in Education, practice, 4 ECTS

SOCM17-129 Historical traumas: Collective Memory and Education, practice, 4 ECTS

PPKIPPI:6/1 Attachment Theories and Psychology of Close Relationships, lecture, 4 ECTS

PPKIPPI:7/1 Diversity in Organizations, practice, 4 ECTS

PPKIPPI:8/1Globalization: Changing Identities and Challenges, practice, 4 ECTS

ZAN-IN02/2 Preconceptions, Stereotypes and Intergroup-conflicts: Restorative techniques

Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience MSc

CCNM17-208/PSZM17-KF-106 Neurobiology, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-112 Philosophy of Science, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-110 Cognitive Psychology 2., lecture, 2 ECTS

CCNM17-111 Cognitive Psychology Practical, practice, 2 ECTS

CCNM17-213/PSZM-17-KF-208 Computer Programming, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-219, PSZM17-KF-107:2 Semantics and Knowledge Representation, lecture 4 ECTS

CCNM17-214 Intelligent Systems, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-117 Philosophy of Mind, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-210:2 Quantitative and Molecular Behaviour Genetics, lecture, 2 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:5 Brain Imaging, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:2, PSZM17-KF-105 Language, cognition, consciousness and their development, lecture, 4 ECTS

CCNM17-CN-107:1 Visual Neuroscience, lecture, 4 ECTS

Educational sciences BA

PEDB17-121 Education movements and pedagogy in the 19th and 20th centuries, lecture, 3 ECTS

PEDB17-122 Teaching and learning, lecture, 5 ECTS

PEDB17-124 Inclusion in education, practice, 4 ECTS

PEDB17-126 Education technology and learning, practice, 5 ECTS

PEDB17-128:7 English For Professional Communication, practice, 3 ECTS

PPK-NEV:301 Introduction to Hungarian culture and society, practice, 2 ECTS

Educational sciences MA

PPK-NEV:301 Introduction to Hungarian culture and society, practice, 2 ECTS

PPK-NEV:252 European integration and education, practice, 5 ECTS

EDUM-104 Academic writing, practice, 3 ECTS

EDUM-102 History of Pedagogical Problems and Comparative Education, practice, 4 ECTS

EDUM-109 Learning and Teaching Theories, lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-110 Problem Based Learning, practice, 4 ECTS 

EDUM-111 Learning Organization, lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-114 Cognitive Psychology, lecture, 3 ECTS

EDUM-ET-102 Ethical Considerations and Psychosocial Aspects of Teaching and Learning with Technology, lecture, 4 ECTS

EDUM-ET-103 Instructional Design and Development 1. (Blended Learning Environments), lecture, 5 ECTS

EDUM-ET-108 Technology-based Assessment and Evaluation, practice, 4 ECTS

EDUM-ET-110 Multimedia and Digital Storytelling in Education, practice, 4 ECTS

EDUM-CS-108_Foreign Language Learning in Childhood, practice, 4 ECTS

Human Resource Counselling MA

HRCM17-114 Adult Learning and Development, lecture, 3 ECTS

 HRCM17-120 Labour Law Seminar, lecture, 3 ECTS

HRCM17-125 Change Management, lecture, 3 ECTS